
[Gustav Paul]
* Altona 17. November 1804
gestorbenat Trenthorst 16. April 1895


After private tutoring attended the Christianeums (Academic Grammar School) in Altona.
Law student in Göttingen (on 2 August 1824 he received 8 days detention for participation in a duel, s. Wedekind).
Further studies in Berlin und Kiel (where he registered 7 May 1825). Completed his studies in 1826.
Official exams in Kiel (II. character “with distinction“)
Lower Court Counsel in Altona,
then administrative.
December 1827 to 1835 worked in Schleswig–Holstein–Lauenburg lawfirm in Copenhagen, co-worker Uwe Jens Lornsens with whom he stayed in touch as the latter served his 1-year sentence in Friedrichsort and Rendsburg in 1831/32 (see Jansen P. 325).
After decree by Friedrich VI from 12 May 1835 on 6 July 1835 Police Chief, 2nd Councilmember, Municipal Secretary & Auctioneer in Itzehoe (Police Chiefs were fully qualified lawyers in all of Denmark)
1 June 1849 Terminates Office

verheiratet Nienstedten 27. May 1837 to member (since 1826) of the noble convent Kloster Itzehoe,



Sophie Friederike Mathilde Wulfhilde von Rumohr on Trenthorst and Wulmenau (* 13. Oktober 1806 at Trenthorst)

1847 Acquired house“Hinter dem Klosterhof 31“ from his wife and her sister, the nun Charlotte von Rumohr. (The demolished house was later “Luisenheim“)

May to August 1848 Civil Commissioner f. Schleswig with the Commander in Chief of the German Federal Troups, LT. General von Wrangel, commanded by the temporary government in Rendsburg 24 May 1848

May 1849 Preliminary discharge as police chief on 1 June 1849
11 December 1852 Summoning of Chancery Advisor Poel to Mayor of the city of Itzehoe. Senior Advisor (since ? 1853)

14 November 1865 Visit of the Austrian Governor in Holstein, Field Marschall-Lieutenant Count von Gablenz in Itzehoe.

Poel is awarded the Knight’s Iron Cross of the Franz-Josef-Ordens

1 June 1868 Effective 1 June 1868 retires; continues official business until 8 July 1868

9 July 1868 Honorary citizen of the city of Itzehoe (The first H.C.!)

1879 Final move to Trenthorst

27 July 1894 Wife’s death at Trenthorst

Konrad Feilchenfeldt in Schleswig-Holsteinisches Biographisches Lexikon, Band 3, Neumünster 1974 (mit Würdigung Poels und weiteren Nachweisen)
Schriften in der Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie Bd. 53


father: Pieter
silbings: Johanna:::: Friederike::::Carl::::Wilhelm::::Ernst::::Pieter 1.Linie::::Caroline::::Eduard::::Theodor::::Emma
children: Gustav::::Wolfgang::::Charlotte::::Sophie::::Ernst::::Heilwig::::Gerhard